Luzern, Schweiz

As a pit stop from overnights in Basel to Verona, we made it to Lucerne for breakfast. We walked along the Reuss river and made friends with the swans. Seriously. I would move to Switzerland just for the animal sitch they’re workin with. I can only imagine that sitch in Austria because Austria is just as lovely and we’re completely obsessed after our Christmas trip. Secret little country doesn’t want the outsiders to know how great it is.. J and I’s conversation on the way through Austria when we forgot how much we adored the country..

‘Hi guys – welcome back! We’re glad to have you. Hope you enjoy being here, really we do. Have a look around at our can tell people about it if you want, or not, either way we’re just chillin.’ – Austria

This is also the method with which J re-teaches me all of the European history that I probably learned in school, but forgot it like a normal person. He personifies leaders and countries and makes them into characters that I’ll remember and he is gonna be the greatest dad. If it doesn’t confuse the heck out of them..

Where were we? Oh yeah, Schweis. Which is the Swiss German, or maybe just German?, way to say it in the city and I like the local language of cities to shine…even if I’m butchering the pronunciation with my Southern-trying-really-hard-not-to-sound-too-Southern American accent. Overly expressive facial expressions and all.


They’ve got this famous bridge, Kapellbrücke. That thing is a work of art, all 669 ft of it. It cuts through the Reuss and was originally built in 1333, making it the oldest covered bridge in Europe. Except for the restoration that was needed in 1993  (allegedly) caused by a cigarette. Do you know I now feel dirtier for even having that word on our blog. Yuck. Get that crap under control people. Please and thank you. Anyway, that bridge is a beaut with its remainders (and sadly, restorations) of 17th century paintings throughout Lucerne’s history.

It was all so picturesque. Take a gander..

Lucerne, Switzerland Lucerne, Switzerland Lucerne, Switzerland Lucerne, Switzerland IMG_1487Lucerne, Switzerland Lucerne, Switzerland Lucerne, SwitzerlandLucerne, Switzerland Lucerne, SwitzerlandWe called this one Grace.


Filed under Switzerland

18 responses to “Luzern, Schweiz

  1. Switzerland is beautiful !! But in luzern they are speaking really strange Swiss German mix with Italian 😉 heheh .

  2. Lovely town. I almost went to study abroad in Lucern, so… this is what it might have been like 🙂

  3. I took a day trip to Luzern years ago when I lived in Austria. I loved it! And I loved living in Austria too.

  4. pollyheath

    Ahh Switzerland! I remember my ex- went to Switzerland and was so excited to speak a little Swiss German but then found some crazy variants in these small towns. Yikes! When I move there (ahem), I’ll ahve a lot of learning to do!

    • Seriously. I can’t keep them straight. I had to phone-a-friend from there to figure out the name of the city! (Is this new news??!! Or wishful thinking?…because I’m still rooting for Brussels)

  5. Wow, it looks like such a stunning place. I wish my pit stops could be in such a charming city!

    • It’s funny because our European friends think it’s strange that we would ever drive to another country, much less 5! But, as Americans, we’re used to driving….and there’s so many wonderful places that we’d miss if we just planed/trained it every where.

  6. gorgeous!! i know – i can’t believe people still smoke! nastyyy.

  7. Wow! It looks so pretty! The last photo’s classic.

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