Tag Archives: festival

Summer Feesten


Welp, last weekend was the big weekend. MontgomeryFest in Illinois kicked off and we saw searches and hashtags flying all about the web. Those party animals were livin’ it up – fun jumps, carnival prizes, fireworks. Heck yeah.

Over here in Belgium, we had a little festin’ going on as well. Complete with hot air balloons at Lokerse Feesten and front porch sittin’ at the palace…well, front street at least. I think we might be turning spoiled. Goin to festivals in front of the Royal Palace and not thinking two thinks about it. Except when someone asks about moving back to the states and my first thought is no more parties at the palace or every day walks near 8th Wonders of the World type places…how do people live like that. Obviously, I kid…but no, I’m not ready.

Last Thursday evening, we drove up to Lokeren, Belgium to see Donovan Frankenreiter, Seasick Steve and Damien Rice play. I wanted Donovan to feel welcome on our continent, and in the slimmest chance that his buddy tagged along, so I sported a Mr. Ben C. Harper tee and a skirt that I got at Bonnaroo three years ago, that when J commented that he liked it, I told him where/when I got it and that I never wear it and his response was – ‘and THAT’s what made it into The Necessary Pile coming to Belgium?!’ chyeah. Welcome to my fashion blog.

shoes via Walmart….supply shopping for that same Roo
ring via my mom‘s mom..or maybe her mom’s mom – we can’t remember
purse via Florence

More kidding.

feestenphoto 1feestenand Damien was killin’ it in his yellow suit and ‘fro’d out hair. But, Damien always brings the rad.photo (1)

Then, on Sunday, we took a walk down to the palace and attended it’s yearly open house. Welcomed by kid paintings that rival my own, we quickly discovered our chandelier collection is slightly below par.

afterlight (16)feestenfeestenfeestenafterlight (17)

That magnificent green up there is made from the shells of over a million beetles. Thai jewel beetles’ emerald green shells reflect light in this crazy cool, iridescent way. They call the ceiling Heaven of Delight and it’s certainly a sight.

We are such city kids. Every time we find ourselves strolling around in downtown, we’re reminded how we can never do it enough. The energy and the art that’s ever moving is addicting..

afterlight (15)feesten

In true Annie fashion, I rambled a bit. So, let’s try to recap the day so far:

palace tour – check.
video on the new Belgian king being sworn in and subsequent half-meltdown that we missed the best day to be in Belgium all for a non-baptism out of town – check.
subsequent gleeful moment when J told me his grandmother sent the Belgian king (3 kings ago) flowers and got Thank You letters back and I started plotting all of the events that Philippe and Mathilde need flowers from us for! – check.
strut through downtown – check.
a lay in the royal park – check.

That only leaves music left on the list. That’s your cue, Dandy Warhols……

feestenfeestenand then I put on J’s glasses and things got outta hand, especially mine..afterlight (21)feesten

And, do you remember this song? Apparently, that 1980s hit band is still touring. And rockin’ it.

Hope you had a rockin’ weekend. If so, we want details….




Rock Werchter, BelgiumAdriatic Sea glass
Verona, ItalyDuomo | Milan, Italy
Kamenjak, Premanthura | Pula, CroatiaCandelabra Collection
Nuremberg, GermanyRock Werchter, Belgium
Fourth of July | Montgomery FestRock Werchter, Belgium

rockin’ the Werchter // Adriatic Sea glass // intoxicating hues // duomo is a cathedral. hashtag Italian lessons // turquoise // candelabra collection  // say ‘cheese’, Nuremberg // dancin’ hipster feet //4 July, 2013 // peace out!



Filed under LIFE

Rocked Werchter

85,000 people. 79 bands. 69 countries represented. 39 years of the fest.
And four days of complete Montgomery music bliss.

Close your eyes and imagine it :: your (maybe red polished) toes dancing around in the soft, green grass. the perfect breeze. the summer sun shining against your shades as it heads down in the distance to frame the stage. the stage that’s lit with reds and blues and spotlights highlighting the band. it’s one of your top bands, maybe singing their most fantastically obscure song that you thought you were the only one who knew the words to, but you aren’t. there are people as far as you can see (which is actually not very far when you’re the height of A, but still) who all know the words. because these are music fans, devoted to the art. you’re all swaying (or jamming out…whatever your style is) to the beat with your hands waving. and you belong here. amongst the most hardcore festival goer of them. it’s a love. and it’s why you brave the heat and the crowds and the port-a-potties. and why the walls in your home hope to overfill with posters that tell too many stories* and hang as badges of honor from every festival you’ve been to together. 

Rock Werchter, BelgiumRock Werchter, Belgiumafterglow-37-e1373465491469 afterglow-44-e1373465502411Rock Werchter, BelgiumRock Werchter, BelgiumVampire Weekend at Rock Werchter, BelgiumRock Werchter, BelgiumRock Werchter, Belgium
Rock Werchter, BelgiumRock Werchter, Belgium

The Lumineers’ frontman, Wesley Schultz, likes to remind the audience to put down their phones at their shows and just be here. Such a wonderfully small, but powerful reminder. Music is big. So here’s a few of our favorites from the weekend – be freeeeeee. Pick up some drinks, invite some people over, and pretend like you’re having a dance-off with Régine..

*stories like that 2011 Bonnaroo trip where the two of us set up our blanket waaaaay in the back of the field and had a complete and total jam session listening to Arcade Fire. At the end of the set, we weren’t finished jamming and some young guy hopped on our blanket and asked what we were on. Completely sober (take note kids). I was pretty proud of our dance skillz that night. Those are the best kind of jam sessions.



Fresh Flowers and Festivals

Photo May 01, 3 56 05 PM

May has been a mighty wonderful, mighty busy month around these parts. Before and after and all around my mama’s visit (catch part un ici et part deux ici..and deal with the language mix as it is life in Brussels – Land of the Every Language. Dank u.) we’ve been taking advantage of the many festivals.

There were the tulips at Keukenhof in Holland. So, of course we took a trip to The Netherlands to see the Garden of Europe, which might be the largest flower garden in the world, but don’t quote me on that…just wiki.

Keukenhof Festival in Holland via MontgomeryFestKeukenhof Festival in Holland via MontgomeryFest

Then there was the Fête de l’Europe where the EU institutions opened their doors and Justin got to act like Vedran in the interpreters booth, except he’s ooooobviously not doing it right in this photo, because EVERYone knows you only listen to the speaker through one headphone so that you can still hear yourself interpreting. Oooobviously. But, seriously, you should try interpreting something asap…even if it’s just in your mother tongue. That shizz is cray-hard.


And along with that there was Fête de l’Iris..

Photo May 05, 4 44 41 PM

So, in front of Brussels’ royal palace there’s this big driveway, where they put a huge stage ready for Jessie Ware or someone of equal Euro fanaticism (I say this from my limited pop culture knowledge here, but people looooved her at Pitchfork), although we’ll never know because not one band performed the whole time we were there. In front of the driveway is a park. In the middle of this park is a gazebo. And on this one particular day, there was a DJ who set up shop playing some kinda dance music. People filled in around the gazebo and filled up the entire park where ever there was sunshine. If it was green and shiny, people were sitting/laying/juggling on it. I’m pretty sure these were the Brusselites who were hibernating all winter. I have no doubt it was the park’s favorite day. It probably felt like a king. Like, all up in front of the palace. 

Photo May 05, 5 53 55 PMPhoto May 05, 4 39 06 PMPhoto May 05, 4 39 37 PM Photo May 05, 4 40 47 PMPhoto May 05, 4 47 20 PM Photo May 05, 5 09 48 PMPhoto May 05, 4 56 44 PM (1)Photo May 05, 4 56 14 PM

Last weekend was the Jazz Marathon all over Brussels. We staked out the events on the Sablon because we’ve been curious about their weekly vintage markets. where do they get this stuff? Brussels weather is not partial to outside pop-up shops – do they really set up every weekend? who buys that 2k euro salt and pepper shaker? are we walking amongst fancy vintage traders who know exactly what everything is worth? I wanna see that in action.

as assasss

Aren’t those cow balloons misleading?! No. It’s not for Chick-fil-A..even though they even used a similar font, which should be named Cruelty to American Expats Who Can’t Taste Our Heavenly Goodness For Another 15 Months or maybe a Sans Serif of some sort..


Filed under // Day Trips, Belgium, The Netherlands

Pitchfork à Paris

Pitchfork Music Festival
I like hipsters. I like people watching. But I love hipster watching. We took advantage of the Pitchfork Music Festival being in town to load up on synthetic tunes (like this, this and a lot of this). Surrounded by many a hipster in uniform: skinny jeans/chucks/wide-rimmed glasses….it brought us back to Dallas for a bit (also, I think I just accidentally described J). I miss Deep Ellum. Not to mention, the most American accents we’ve heard in one place over the last two months. It was refreshing. Click here for more Pitchfork pics..


Filed under France, SPREAD THE MUSIC