Zagreb, Hrvatska

Phew. Made it to Croatia. That was one marathon of a road trip. Just one more city stop, Zagreb. So much walking and sight-seeing in the this point, all we wanted was to sit on the beach for a week. One more day. Just get there.

Our first impression of the city was pretty slow, until we got to the Upper Town. Situated on a hill in the center of the city, the charm of the area won us over. Especially since we were there in time for the International Folklore Festival – so perfect.

Zagreb, Croatia Zagreb, CroatiaZagreb, Croatiazagreb
At the top of the hill is St. Mark’s Church in all its marvel. It’s one of Zagreb’s most emblematic buildings with its unique tiled roof constructed in 1880. The 13th-century church was named for the annual St Mark’s fair. She’s a beauty.
Zagreb, CroatiaZagreb, Croatiazagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb, CroatiaEverywhere we went there was a piece of the festival.

We only needed a couple of hours to see the cute stuff and it was nearing dinner time, so we thought we’d exit the hill and find something less touristy to get our grub on.20130810-202844.jpgzagrebThe yellow. Oh, the yellow.zagrebzagrebafterlight (24)IMG_1758When we got to the bottom with zero luck of finding an authentic patio, we weighed our options of driving through the main town where we wouldn’t have the slightest idea of where to get good food OR trudging back up the hill to that one Italian resto that looked semi promising. Italian won, as it does, and we promised our feet that this was the LAST hurdle before they were floating in the water. promise.

And wouldn’t you know it, that Italian resto did not disappoint. I had lasagna and J had a risotto….plus! a bottle of wine, all for 20 euro. We had to check our math because that is crazy talk from Brussels standards. So, if you’re looking for a cheap vacation..

Up next, paradise…


Filed under Croatia

2 responses to “Zagreb, Hrvatska

  1. I really liked your post. Zagreb is my home town. I was born and raised there. I used to go to school just near the National Theater. Your pictures made me feel nostalgic and a little bit homesick. But I will go visit my family and my city soon. You really were lucky with the Folklore Festival.

    • I’m glad we get your authentic approval – that means the most! it was so cool to see (and hear!) the traditional Croatian songs and dancing! hope your visit comes soon!

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